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Affordable Search Engine Optimisation Consultant

What Is On-Page Optimisation and How Does It Help SEO

On-page optimisation counts for about 40% of overall SEO, it is very important!

Every web master knows that for a website to rank on the first page of search engine results, optimisation is required. SEO may have been enough back then, but with competition becoming tougher than ever, more factors are now taken into account. This is where on-page optimisation comes into play. What is it exactly? This refers to factors that can make or break a website and its listing in natural search results. They are either controlled by a webpage owner or through the coding on a page such as meta tags, keyword density and placement, and HTML codes.

What are some of the most important elements of on-page optimisation?

What Is On-Page Optimisation and How Does It Help SEO

  • The content of a page is what makes it worthy to rank on search results. After all, it is what on-line users are looking for, which is why it must be useful, relevant and informative. Aside from these, it must supply a demand. That is, if home-owners are looking for DIY interior decorating, the content of a home improvement site must satisfy those needs. Moreover, good content is one that is likeable and linkable. In SEO, content that a lot of people link to is worthy of ranking on search engines. Otherwise, it is just a waste of on-line space.
  • Page title is considered to be one of the most important factors in on-page optimisation. This refers to the text that can be seen at the topmost part of a web browser. For this element to matter though it must contain at least a single or long-tail keyword and it has to make sense to the user.
  • The URL must show clear information of the hierarchy of the website as this help search engines understand its relevancy to the site. This also enables on-line users to identify what the site is all about even by just looking at the URL. Take for example: wikipedia.org/Super_Mario_World. From the address alone, you know that you are accessing Wikipedia and that the content is all about Super Mario World.
  • Meta description may not directly affect rankings, but it is an opportunity to attract traffic. Besides, it is fairly easy to provide a 150-character summary of a webpage including keywords. But because it is only visible to search engines, a lot of website owners tend to overlook this particular factor or make mistakes in creating one. To avoid such errors, do not hesitate to refer to an affordable SEO consultant.

Other factors that matter in on-page optimisation is heading, image alt text, cascading style sheets (CSS), MOZ Rank, Google crawl date and domain info. How does it help in search engine optimisation (SEO)? For one, it helps a website rank high on renowned search engines. Provided that all factors are satisfied, it will be easier for a site to find its way on the first page of search results. And because it will be SEO-friendly, marketable and effective, it will be easier to optimise it.

For another, it increases access to a website, generating more traffic in the process. Of course, if a site has valuable content and is linked to by a lot of on-line users, more people on the internet would be able to find it as well. This can be likened to word-of-mouth advertising where recommendations and good reviews from other people will encourage prospective clients to check out the site as well. Most importantly, it helps improve a website’s internal structure. Due to the requirements of on-page optimisation, website owners will have to make changes for their site to meet the factors necessary to rank on search engines. Consequently, it ensures that majority of the content and webpage on-line are relevant and useful. With these mikeefits, don’t you think it’s high time you ask assistance from an affordable SEO consultant to help you with on-page optimization? If you are interested, contact Link Spider about SEO UK or Small Business SEO.

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